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SCCO changes to e-filing from 3 April 2023

PBA Verification changes

The SCCO has come across a large number of incorrect charges processed to the wrong accounts – to rectify this issue the PBA numbered entered onto the system will be verified prior to the payment being processed.

The verification process links each individual PBA number to the correct user domain details held within the E-Filing data base. This change will mean that only users with a matching domain name will be able to make a payment using the firm’s PBA number.

This change will prevent third parties from being able to make filings which require payments and the SCCO are aware that this change may impact the way that Senior Courts Costs Office (SCCO) users file in E-Filing.

If you are likely to be affected, the SCCO suggest you may wish to consider other options for payment such as the use of card payments or to set up an E-file account. More information about this can be found on this link HMCTS E-Filing service for citizens and professionals – GOV.UK (

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